Green Hill movie premiere by snckd studios

After the Sunset Shoot is before the Green Hill movie premiere. We show you exclusively the story of the Green Hill Bikepark with many previously unreleased behind-the-scenes and outcuts.

The special thing is that you, as BYND visitors, can be part of this not-yet-released version as premiere guests. You can only get a deeper insight into one of the most successful construction phases of the trailbuilding industry if you’ve been there.

The Green Hill Bikepark crew, together with legend Tom Pro of Gravity Logic, Whistler, Canada, in 4 months, not only built 14 km of trails of different character, but also rehabilitated and relaunched an entire infrastructure. Over 200 people and 35 different companies were involved in this implementation.

Dave Karg from “snacked studios” captured all this on photo and film and now lets us share it.