
August 18 - 20

Green Hill Bikepark - Germany

A perfect match - Swatch Nines MTB 2023 at Green Hill Bike Park

BEYOND THE HILL is the result of an ingenious match. Green Hill Bikepark x Swatch Nines MTB. The Green Hill Bikepark not only provides the new destination, but will also host the Beyond the Hill Mountain Bike Festival for the first time in parallel on August 18-20, 2023, where Swatch Nines will also be opened to the public as the ultimate highlight. In addition, there is an EXPO area with many brands, test bikes and equipment, Rocky Mountain Whip-Off’s, POC Aftershow Party and some side events. The message is clear – this is about celebrating the sport and having a good time together.

Up to Date! Be it the festival map, new highlights,
the Whip Off Trophy, who participates in the EXPO and
all news, you can find out here and via our newsletter!

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