
Let’s open the BYND season together!

3 days full of riding, brands and beats. Come to the pre-event of the Bike Republic Sölden Festival BYND the Mountain and experience a true feast!

You have the opportunity to shred your own bike on the trails of the Green Hill Bikepark, camp directly on site, take a look at the latest highlights of the industry and last but not least: win a wildcard for the Swatch Nines, such as the Whip-Off in Sölden!

> Event Overview

June 21 – 23, 2024

Green Hill Bikepark
Gellinghausen 42
57392 Schmallenberg

Camping is possible from Friday – Sunday. Bikepark for day guests is
open. The BYND Pre-Event is accessible to the public free of charge.

Lift, camping & aftershow tickets are available in the online shop of the
Green Hill Bikepark.

> program

> Side Events

Powerplay Challenge

Powerplay Challenge:

Unser Übungsparcours gespickt mit etlichen Hindernissen und Hürden stellt eine wahrhafte Herausforderung für Mensch und Maschine dar! Ziel dieser Challenge ist es, die Runde so schnell wie möglich zu durchfahren. Du hast dafür den perfekten Begleiter an deiner Seite. Das Rocky Mountain Powerplay mit 108 NM Drehmoment bringt dich auch die steilsten Rampen hinauf! Sei dabei und sichere dir die Trophäe der Powerplay Challenge – stay tuned!

Mini Ramp


Du bist beim Pre-Event und beherrscht Tricks mit deinem Skateboard? Dann nutze den Mini-Ramp Slot am Sonntag, um dein Können unter Beweis zu stellen. Es ist keine Anmeldung notwendig, der Contest ist offen für alle. Unsere Moderatoren sind die gesamte Zeit vor Ort und bewerten die Tricks. Solltest du mit einem Move überzeugen, kannst du dir eines der Goodies/ Vouchers/ Gewinne sichern und direkt beim Mini-Ramp Team abholen.

Bike Republic Sölden Bunny Hööp
Bike Republic Sölden Bunny Hööp Contest

Beim Bunny Hööp Contest wird die Messlatte bei jeder Runde höher – du kannst dich erst ausruhen, wenn du gewonnen hast! Springe pro Durchgang über das höher gewordene Hindernis und werde unser Bike Republic Sölden Bunny Hööp Champion. Bei diesem Event ist jede Menge Spaß vorprogrammiert. Anmeldung erfolgt beim BRS Stand.
Pumptrack Contest

Pumptrack Contest:

Don’t pedal – just pump! Das ist das Motto beim Pumptrack. Versuche so schnell wie möglich, nur mit der Bewegung deines Körpers, unsere Strecke zu bewältigen. Bist du der/die Beste deiner Gruppe, hast du die Möglichkeit, dich im Finale zu beweisen und dir coole Preise zu sichern!

> Contests

Become a Nine

Become a Nine:

Das ist dein Ticket in die Hall of Fame des MTB-Sports!

Beim “Become a Nine” – Contest geht es darum, all deine Skills und Kreativität auf unserem anspruchsvollen und schon jetzt legendären Nines Kurs zu zeigen, um somit unsere kritischen Judges zu überzeugen. Der Preis hat es in sich – Du hast die einmalige Chance auf den Gewinn einer Wildcard, die dich zur Teilnahme an den Swatch Nines in Sölden berechtigt! Die Anmeldung erfolgt über unsere Homepage und ist nur mit Nachweis (IG Profil oder Video) deines Könnens gültig.

POC Whip-Off

POC Whip-Off

Beim Whip-Off-Contest geht es darum, das Bike bei einem Jump möglichst quer in der Luft zu halten. Idealerweise drehst du es um mehr als 90 Grad gegen die Flugrichtung. Die Judges beurteilen neben dem Winkel auch den Style, die Höhe und die Ausführung der Landung. Achtung: Du solltest in der Lage sein, Sprünge mit einer Länge von ca. 18 Meter von Absprung bis zum Sweet-Spot zu Fahren. Um an dem Contest teilnehmen zu können, sollten Sprünge dieser Größenordnung kein Problem für dich darstellen.

Select your contests:

(Multiple selection possible)


Sunlight Camping

You can camp with us on site from Friday to Sunday. We have provided special areas for this purpose, where campers and tents will find the ideal place. There will be sanitary facilities in the immediate surrounding that you can use free of charge. Attention: The showers will be closed at night from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.
We sell the pitches regardless of the people who will sleep in the tent/camper. A pitch costs 35€ / night. You can buy the tickets via the Date Picker on the Green Hill homepage (

The procedure is analogous to the tickets, whereby your arrival and departure days must also be selected. To do this, simply click on the tent button in the Date Picker.

Please note: The Sunlight campsite is accessible from Friday 8 a.m. at the earliest.


Where can I get which ticket?

Lift ticket:

You can get the lift ticket as usual in the online shop of the Green Hill Bikepark. In order to open up the park to as many people as possible, only half-day tickets can be bought on the event weekend.

Party ticket:

The party ticket, like the lift ticket, is available in the online shop of the Green Hill Bikepark. To do this, select June 22, 2024 and add the party ticket to your shopping cart. In the online shop the price is 5€, at the box office the ticket costs 8€.

Green Bikes Park Fermé Ticket:

The ticket for Fermé Park is available directly at the entrance. It costs 5€ once and entitles you to return your bike as often as you like on the weekend. Please note the opening hours!

Sunlight camping ticket:

You can also get the camping ticket in the online shop of the Green Hill Bikepark. Please make sure that you have marked your arrival and departure dates.

Food & Drinks

Of course, we will provide you with enough food and drinks on site. The Hellermanns Hütte is open as usual, and we also have a BBQ on the terrace for the quick hunger.
The kiosk directly at the lift exit on top of the mountain will also be open and will offer drinks and meals. As an add-on, mobile beverage vendors will patrol the grounds.
The Hellermanns Hütte and the Bergkiosk accept cash and cards, the mobile stands only cash.

POC Whip-Off Contest

For our POC Whip-Off Contest you have to register on our homepage before the event ( Unfortunately, it is not possible to register on site.
Please note that this is a full-blown jump that is extremely demanding even without a whip.

Become a Nine Contest

You must also register for the Become a Nine Contest on our homepage before the event ( Registration on site is not possible.
This is a course that can only be mastered by very advanced and experienced riders. Please enter your social media channels when registering so that we can get an idea of your skillset.
If we notice on site that you are not up to the task, we reserve the right to exclude you from the contest to protect your health.

Side Events

For all side events except the Whip-Off, such as the Become a Nine Contest, you can register directly on site.


The bikepark is open regularly for day guests. To allow multiple people to enjoy shredding, only half-day tickets are available.
If you have any questions about the bikepark process, just take a look at the Green Hill FAQ ́s. (

Green Bikes Park Fermé

We offer you the possibility to park your bike in a guarded area – both during the day and at night. The ticket costs €5 once, in return for which your bike will receive a wristband for the Green Bikes Park Fermé, with which you can drop it off and pick it up at any time. For a smooth process we need your ID, please carry it with you at all times.
The Green Bikes Park Fermé is open Friday from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


In order to be able to receive all guests, we will again provide parking areas that are located outside the site and are connected to the event area by a shuttle bus.
This is about 2 km along the L776 in the direction of Bad Fredeburg and is signposted accordingly.
The parking fee is €5 per day. If you park your car in one of the parking spaces outside, the shuttle ticket is included in your parking ticket.
Please park only in the designated parking areas (inside and outside the bike park) and do not block the escape routes under any circumstances.

Become a Member of the




As a member of the BYND Family, you will not only be the first to know about news and updates, you will also benefit from exclusive partner deals and benefits at the events. For example, you get a first call for limited passes and the chance to visit the event as a VIP.

Sign up now to be the first who knows

Sign UP

Vielen Dank für deine Bewerbung um eine Teilnahme bei unseren Contests.

Wir werden diese prüfen und in den nächsten 3-5 Tagen auf dich zurück kommen.

Weitere Informationen rund um den Ablauf sowie der Teilnahme bekommst nach erfolgreicher Bestätigung.


Dein BYND-Team

Festival Tickets

Hol dir jetzt Dein Festival-, Party- und Camping-Ticket für das BYND The Mountain vom 21.06. - 23.06. auf

Das BYND The Mountain Pre-Event war ein wahres Fest – vielen Dank, dass du ein Teil davon warst! Du hast noch nicht genug vom Vibe? Dann lass uns das Event noch einmal Revue passieren lassen: AFTERMOVIE BYND PRE-EVENT

The BYND The Mountain Pre-Event was a blast – thanks for being a part of it! Still haven’t had enough of the vibe? Then let’s review the event once again: AFTERMOVIE BYND PRE-EVENT